Wednesday, February 13, 2008

Missing Time

Our friend, the freakishly talented Brett Laidlaw, has started his own blog, nominally centered around locavorism (heinous neologism that it is) and the great resources available to the observant inhabitants of the Twin Cities. It's a natural fit for him, as he's a writer - a real one, who's actually written books and stuff - and has the most wonderful ability to make the most mundane events seem almost miraculous. I mean mundane in its non pejorative sense, of course, where simple and base things like walking through the woods or eating a sandwich somehow become transcendent. To an observant person simplicity does offer a world of nuance, but achieving that sense of awareness - let alone being able to transcribe those thoughts and feelings into the written word - is a skill unto itself. All of this to say that Brett's writing is always worth a look, so go look. Be prepared to spend some time.

I mention Brett not only because he's awesome, but because of a comment he made to me in the inaugural post of his blog. He mentioned that I was "no slouch at the keyboard" myself, which is very nice but patently untrue. In fact, "slouch" is exactly the word I would use to describe the current state of the blog, though I'm sure a thesaurus check would reveal all sorts of accurate adjectives. Perhaps I'll use them later, after another extended bout of slacking. Because I have this space, and because more of our friends are using spaces like this to journal their thoughts and lives, I figure its time to spend a little more energy keeping up with the Joneses.

Upcoming posts: chicken processing, commuting, icebiking, heating systems, chickens (the backyard variety) and more. Not necessarily in that order, but there will be one post per day for the next seven days. We'll see how that strikes me and we'll go from there.

1 comment:

Trout Caviar said...

Paul, you are in fact a much better writer than "no slouch" implies. I look forward to your future writings and the inspiration to be taken from your thoughtful, incisive take on the world we share.

I'll add "freakish" to the list of adjectives like "sketchy" and "slippery" (typical of foragers) that have been applied to me. Quite an honor roll. And I'm sure I've never been called "awesome" before, so thanks for that!

But now this is starting to sound like "Logrolling in America," so enough of that.

I mentioned to Desiree this British dude, Hugh Fearnley-Whittingstall who's done a back-to-the-land thing in Dorset. It's fun stuff just for the pretty pictures of the British countryside, but he's a real advocate for local, small-scale, organic and sustainable foods, as well. "The River Cottage" is what he calls his gig, and he has a website:
You'll get a kick out of it, if only to marvel at his high-rise chicken coop...!

Cheers~ Brett